Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 271: September 27th – Ravens at the Hawkwatch

Sunny, 70, and a NE wind

       The title may have you believing that we had more ravens than hawks today at the watch on Bear Mountain.  Not quite.  In fact, we had 79 hawks including 9 Bald eagles today.  We only had a half dozen or so Common ravens, but they were uncommonly low and in close and made for some enjoyable observations.  One bird actually did an inverted flight display for us as seen in this shot.

       In terms of sheer numbers, we probably had more migrating Blue jays than any other species, and to be perfectly honest, we had more “stink bugs” than any other species of critter on the mountain today.

       The stink bug, is an insect that is native to China, Japan, and Korea. It was accidentally introduced into the United States in 1998.  The name comes from the rather nasty habit of emitting a noxious odor from holes in its abdomen normally as a defense mechanism against would- be predators.  We often see the stink bug in our homes around this time of year as they invade through any opening available to avoid the cold autumn nights.  They can actually survive through the winter in the warmth of homes and other buildings.  Well, they are not inside yet, that’s for sure.  We had hundreds of them all over the mountain today. 

       As for the hawks, the dominant species was the sharp-shinned followed by Broadwings.  The most unexpected species was the occurrence of several Red-shouldered hawks, a real treat for us.  The Red-tail I photographed which was also around today is a much more common hawk observed at the watch.

        Tonight, strong storms with plenty of rain are due and they are expected to last through tomorrow, so what we will encounter tomorrow and where remains to be seen.  Tune in to find out what is happening on this stormy day.

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