Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 270: September 26th – Rainy day birding

Cloudy with light rain, SW winds, 68 degrees

       Once again the winds are not quite right for the mountain and the hawks.  Yesterday, we had 98 hawks….Broadwings, ospreys, Sharpies, Red-tails, and a few Bald eagles.  Today, zip.  It’s amazing to see the difference a small change in wind direction can bring.  We did have a few Turkey vultures soaring around to keep us busy.  When all you have is the buzzards, you take a little more time to study and appreciate them.  They are masters of the wind.   You can watch them travel from one end of the valley to the north all the way to our south, disappear over Black mountain and never once beat their wings.

       Their chocolate colored wings are accentuated with enough tan to make for an almost elegant quilted pattern.  If you can get past that pretty horrible looking but functional head, you’ve got a pretty fascinating looking bird, especially in flight.

       We left the mountain top devoid of hawks and made an effort to see if any shore birds or waders might be taking advantage of the low tide at Iona Island below us. 

       Here as up on top, things were pretty quiet.  Another bird we take for advantage, the Mallard, was on site, however, so I grabbed a couple of images.  As with the vultures, these mallards are beautifully plumaged.  We had one pair where the female was beating her wings as if to show that the male is not the only one with bright hues in those feathers.

     We did encounter another bird which is becoming more and more common-place and as such is also becoming more often ignored than appreciated.  “Just another Great blue”. 

       Tomorrow is another day. It’s supposed to be sunnier, but the winds are out of the north, so it will be quiet on the top of Bear Mountain once again.  Ah, but Friday!  Predictions are for sunny skies and winds out of the southeast…..ideal for us.  Let’s see what happens later this week!

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