Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 253: September 9 – Kenridge day 2

Sunny, mild in the mid 70s, calm

       A perfect day following our storms of yesterday.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s entry, Sharon and I revisited Kenridge Farm today for a follow-up day of birding.  Once again, our favorite bird of the day was the Merlin which was still on site. As he did yesterday, he made several low high-speed passes as we watched with awe.  What a spectacular bird.  Once again, he was faster than I was and I did not get a shot.  I will return this week with that one goal in mind, however.  Hopefully the bird will still be around.

        In addition to a good many species we found yesterday, today’s best shots go to two common dwellers in the fields of New York.  The first is the Black and yellow garden spider.   A good sized spider, this individual did not look exactly like the garden spiders I have found in the past, and so, this photo and id is subject to review.  If and when I find out a positive id which differs from the one I offer here, I will update this entry and set the record straight.  For now, it’s a Garden spider whether it wants to be one or not.

Dorsal view
Ventral view

       The next photo of interest is of the Praying mantis.  A master of camouflage, the green coloration of this insect allowed it to blend in so well that I had to examine the spot where I first saw it carefully to make sure it was still there.  It’s ability to hide in among the foliage of the vegetation allows it to lie in ambush, waiting for some unsuspecting insect to wander in too close before it is too late.  If necessary, the mantis will pursue its quarry, but it prefers to simply grab a bite as it walks by.  Fascinating insect!

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