Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 329: November 25th – Lake Tiorati

Overcast, windy and 34 degrees

       After being lulled into a sense that it would be a mild winter last week, Mother Nature reminded us this morning that the cold season is almost upon us.  With an elevation of just over 1000 feet, Lake Tiorati is always a few degrees colder than down in the Hudson Valley.  In addition to that, the winds today were whipping off the lake, making the wind chill down below the 30 degree mark.

       After having seen some really great winter ducks over in Westchester County yesterday, I decided to check on Tiorati, a site known for harboring good numbers of waterfowl in the dead of winter as long as there is open water.  It is also one of the best places to get good looks at the leading edge of Bald Eagles which migrate down to southeastern New York each winter. 

       Well, today I pretty much struck out on both counts.  I scoured the entire area of the lake, driving all the way around in search of avian life.  Eventually, I did find several mallards resting in a quiet cove out of the wind.  After blowing off the mallards as “trash ducks” in yesterday’s blog, I had to bite the bullet and include them in this installment as the only game in town.

      A short drive down Seven Lakes Drive, I checked out both Lake Askoti and Lake Skannatati.  Both were similary devoid of waterfowl save for a pair of Canada geese along the side of the latter lake.

         Reports from our bird club’s trip out to several Orange County lakes proved more productive, so Sharon and I will make that journey later this week and see if we can match their totals.   Until then, we’ll write today off as a nice drive through some real pretty landscapes and call it a day.

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