Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 325: November 21st – Riverside calm

A beautiful mild, calm and sunny day in the mid 50s

       It’s interesting to observe how birds react to different weather conditions.  In times of an impending storm, it is not unusual to find birds of all species frantically feeding as if storing up in anticipation of adverse conditions.

       On such a gorgeous day, I took a short trip down along the Hudson to see what was cooking with our feathered friends this day before Thanksgiving.  With mild weather today and more of the same tomorrow, the birds were quiet….very quiet. 

       Reading human emotions into the actions of birds, one group of House sparrows seemed as if they were gathering together and just enjoying the company of one another.  Sharon mentioned that it was if the evergreen was decorated for Christmas with the mass of sparrows that were adorning the boughs.

       Several of the birds seemed to be drawn to each other in spite of the space available on the tree.  An occasional chip note and a few sparrows bouncing from limb to limb was about all the action found on this riverside tree.

       Not far from the sparrow tree, a male Northern cardinal was perched and again looked to be “hanging out”.  No female was in sight nor were any other males of his species. 

       Mockingbirds were around in good numbers and they too remained fairly subdued.  One mocker resting on a snag on the riverbank was displaced by the noise and movement of an oncoming freight train.

       Perhaps they know that tomorrow is a feast day and that they will be provided for by Mother Nature as well as good hearted humans who will spread out a fine repast for them.  

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