Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day 328: November 24th – Titicus Reservoir

Mostly sunny, mid 40s and windy

       On our way back home after spending the night in Connecticut, we took a cut-off from I-84 down to I-684.  It’s no shortcut, in fact it adds about 10 minutes onto the drive back home, but it leads us past some nice countryside including one of the New York reservoirs.  Titicus Reservoir is one of the City’s 12 and is located in Westchester County in the Town of North Salem.  As we first approached the body of water, the wind had churned it up pretty well and white-caps covered the surface. 

       A bit further along the way, however, we came across an embayment which was chock full of waterfowl.  I pulled over and began a short trek through the woods to get to the shoreline for a decent shot.  The storms of the recent past had laid down a labyrinth of large diameter trees and root systems to make the normally easy walk back into the woods a bit more taxing.  Once I got there, however, I was treated to the sight of at least a hundred geese, ducks and swans.

       For the most part, it was Mute swans and Canada geese.

Mute swan, Canada goose and Ruddies on Titicus Reservoir

       But in amongst the swans and geese I found Buffleheads, at least one Pied-billed grebe, and quite a few Ruddy ducks.  It’s great to see that the ducks from the north are finally here in good numbers.  More targets for our daily photographic forays out into the field !

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