Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 314: November 10th- Flying home

Sunny and mild, calm skies

       There are long days and there are loooooooooooong days!  Today, by the time we ended up we had flown from Auckland to Sydney and then on to Los Angeles before making the final leg of the trip to New York.  In sum total, we had been up for more than 34 hours from our waking up at 4:00 AM in Auckland until the time we laid our heads down on our pillows in Highland Falls at 1:00 AM.  In the process, we had crossed the equator and the International Date Line.  While in the Southern Island in New Zealand, we did not see the sun set until almost 9:00 PM.  Back here in New York, further from the poles, heading into winter, and having finished with Daylights Savings Time, our skies are dark by 5:00 and the sunsets are coming earlier every day. 

       Just a couple of shots for the day as we spent most of daylight hours in airplanes and airports. 

First, departing New Zealand.....

And later (much later) that day, arriving in New York.

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