Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 205: July 23rd – Goosepond Mountain State Park

Partly sunny and warm, 84 degrees, and humid

       Goosepond Mountain State Park is a 1,558 acre open area park located along Rte 17M in Chester, NY.  While there are quite a few miles of trails located throughout the park, it is pretty much undeveloped and has limited parking.  From the parking lot just west of the Ranger’s residence, you can access an easy walking trail/boardwalk which winds through the grasslands and swamp.  This is the path we took today in search of our shot of the day.
       Our birds of the day were the Cedar waxwings perched atop a dead snag just as we entered the park.  Several American robins shared the perch, but the waxwings were certainly the stars of the show.  With berries and insects being the main staple of the waxwings, this is prime habitat for them.  They are sociable birds and it is rare to see a solitary waxwing.  Such was the case today as they congregated on this dead tree.  One individual appeared to be doing a Dracula impersonation as I took his photo!

       Butterflies were also abundant, taking advantage of the many blooming wildflowers along the trails edge.  Our first encounter was with a find specimen of a Spicebush swallowtail.  The bluish swash along the hindwings makes this butterfly one of the easier ones to identify.

       Monarchs and Tiger swallowtails were also present in good number, but the next one to catch my attention was this Question Mark.  I’ve have seen them before here at Goosepond and today this individual was close enough to get a decent image of even if somewhat concealed by the shadows of the bush in which it had landed.

       Song sparrows, Blue jays, a Red-tailed hawk and a lone Indigo bunting rounded out the avian cast of characters on this overcast day, but this is an area certainly worth checking into from time to time.

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