Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 188: July 6th – Storm King Mountain

Continued heat wave with calm winds

View south from Storm King Mountain
       A trip up to the side of Storm King Mountain along Route 218 was hopefully going to produce some sightings of the Peregrine falcons known to roost here.  Whether it was the heat, the time of day, or just plain old bad luck, there were no falcons to be found today.  The skies were clear in spite of the high temperatures and the view was spectacular as always, but not one bird, falcon or otherwise was seen flying over this mountain today.

       As we came around to a lower overlook, I could hear the call of a Bald eagle and quickly got out and scanned the skies for this majestic bird.  Once again, the bird had to be calling from a perch rather than flying for no bird was seen.  Finally, I did hear the familiar (Very familiar this year it seems!) song of the Scarlet tanager.  I finally realized that there were two on opposite sides of the road.  Eventually, I found one of the birds calling from among the foliage and got a quick shot off before this bird also disappeared into the forest.

       We know the falcons are there, and we know that folks have seen them quite recently.  So, once the weather breaks, we will take another look, perhaps from a different vantage point in the hopes of getting a decent photo to share on the blog.  

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