Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Lifer

As we head south into Florida, we decide to take a detour off I-95 and head towards St. Augustine. The RBA for Florida has reported a "life bird" for us, the Brown booby, which had been seen on and off over the course of the past month at the fishing pier. With hopes high and thrilled to be off the dreaded interstate, we are full of anticipation as we finally locate what we hope is the reported site. As we enter the head of the boardwalk out to the pier, camera and binos in hand, the attendant says, "I'll bet you're here for the bird." We respond that we are and she responds, "Well, the bird is here today." We virtually run out to the end of the pier and find the little booby sitting and quietly preening itself on the railing. Apparently, the bird has grown accustomed to its new surroundings and appreciates the scraps of fish and bait left behind and often offered to the booby by the fishermen. The bird is perfectly positioned as far as lighting and procedes to pose for us as if on command. Ah, if it were only this easy to find all those "life-birds" we see posted on RBAs. And this is just the beginning......

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