Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 191: July 9th – Visitors to the Butterfly Garden

Still warm in the high 80s, calm breezes, and sunny

       Spent some time doing the obligatory yard work this morning and then refilled the few “summer feeders” that I keep going during the warmer months.  Once the area was looking inviting to friends of the human and avian world alike, I sat back with camera in hand and watched to see who would come and visit the butterfly garden.

       As hoped, I had a few welcome visitors in the form of butterflies.  Both the Cabbage white and a number of Silver-spotted skippers came along.  The skippers are a species I always expect to see at the butterfly bush and they rarely disappoint.

       I also have a couple of hummingbird feeders in this same garden and likewise, they were eager to come in for a free lunch today.  I have a pair of Ruby-throats that visit regularly.  It could be more than the two of them, but I’ve only seen two at any one time.  Nonetheless, it is always a pleasure to see and hear them buzzing along as they come in to feed.

       I had a few other birds in the immediate area as well.  A Chipping sparrow which has been a regular here this summer came in to feed on the seed that had fallen to the ground from the feeder I have set up just around the corner from the garden.  He’s such a handsome little fellow, I always appreciate his company when he’s around.

       One visitor that I’m not too keen on is also showing up all of a sudden.  Yellow jackets have built a nest in the top eaves of the front of the house, and they, like the hummers, appreciate the nectar that I’m supplying.  So far, they are not a real problem, but if the nest continues to grow and the population does likewise, certain measures may have to be taken.  I’d much rather let nature takes its course, so we’ll be patient and see what transpires.

       Tomorrow, it’s off to the north country and the Adirondacks.  Hope to have some new species to bring to you in the next few days.  Wish us luck…..

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