Friday, January 4, 2008

First of the year

We're in Connecticut, heading back from a weekend in Vermont. We decide to take a quick ride down along the Shepaug River in Southbury, CT to check on the eagle activity and officially begin our "year list". We find three mature eagles down near the dam. Two are in flight, but the third sits up nicely in the sun, allowing us to get good looks at the bird. As we head back towards I-84, Sharon spots a fourth bird sitting close to the water on a low branch. We pull over and attempt to get a closer shot. The bird is easily spooked, however, and takes flight early on. There are several juncos working the fields along the river, and then we spot a pair of beautiful bluebirds. These birds do not appear to be as shy as the eagle was and show little concern as they allow us to take several nice photographs. The wind is strong and the temperatures are in the teens, but these little birds seem quite comfortable as they stay in the shelter of the brush. Later in the day, at Croton NY, we find Common mergs, a fine Long-earred owl, and other more common birds to serve as the base of our list of this year's list.....a good start.

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