Thursday, January 17, 2008

Birds of a feather

We traveled down to Rockland Lake, NY to check on the migratory waterfowl present there at this time of year. Several days ago, there was much more open water than today. But there was still enough unfrozen water to warrant a fair number of species using the park. The phrase "Birds of a feather" had little relevance today as ducks of all sizes, shapes and colors peacefully coexisted side by side. It was wonderful to look in the spotting scope and see a European wigeon, a Redhead, Buffleheads and Ringneck ducks all in the same frame of view. Also making an appearance were American wigeons, Common mergs, Gadwalls, Mallards, Canada geese, and Mute swans. A nice way to pile up some checks on the Year-list.

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