Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7: January 7th - Sunrise over Storm King Mountain

Sunny, gentle warm breeze, 54 degrees

     Sunrise over the Storm King Mountain above West Point, NY is always different.  Each day is spectacular in its own way.   The valley may be shrouded in fog while the tops of the mountains peak just above the mist.  On other days, the autumn sun paints a remarkable scene with an incredible palette of pastel colors.  Often in winter, the snow blankets the entire topography, and the sun glistens brilliantly off the reflective surface with a cool blue tint.  Today,  the sun was just rising above Cro’s Nest, the mountain to the southeast of Storm King and its shadow crept almost imperceptibly down the valley wall as the sun was lifting above the horizon.  The rich golden hue seemed even deeper than normal this morning, and the warm tones mirrored the balmy temperatures….remarkable considering that we are heading into the second week of January.  It surely was a beautiful commencement to another magical day in the Hudson Valley.

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