Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall is near

A morning at the Coastal Connecticut Audubon Center in Milford, CT proved that high numbers are not always the premier requisite for a good day of birding. The old saying of "quality, not quantity" was what today was all about. We had nice close looks at the local "peeps" - Least and semipalmated sandpipers, sanderlings, and Ruddy turnstones. Further out, but in nice viewing distance for the binoculars, were 4 American oystercatchers. Just being on the cobbled beach was worth the effort this morning as fall was in the air. You could feel and smell the coming changes as these birds were making their way to warmer climes for the winter. Back at the Center, a juvenile Yellow-crowned nightheron and an Eastern willet kept us entertained as we watched the two hunters work the flats. Ospreys flew overhead and an elusive clapper rail made an all-too-brief appearance. We rounded the day off with a trip to the Greenwich Audubon Center and a stopover at the Quaker Ridge Hawk Watch. A few Sharp-shinned hawks, a red-tail and a few migrating osprey sightings made for the perfect end to a fine day in the field.

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