Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 301: October 28th –Atherton Tablelands

Sunny, Mild, Calm

       A picture-perfect morning to get up at 3:45 AM and travel out to the Atherton Tablelands in Queensland, Australia.  After a 50 minute ride to get up through the mountains and onto the plateau, we stop for a “bio-break” at a local rest stop before heading up into the sky.  At the stop, we come across our first birds of the day, the Australian White Ibis.  A group of three are prying through the soil layer in search of bugs and grubs much the same as our North American versions do.  These birds are a bit more robust and darker in the face than ours.

       Now, it’s time to get up and over the tablelands.  I’ll let the following image do the talking…

        It’s back into the air after the balloon flight as we have to fly south to Sydney later this morning.  Again, we’ll have the opportunity to try our hand at urban birding.  

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