Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 170: June 18th – Back in the Highlands

A mostly sunny, warm (mid 70s) and calm day

       Well, there are no grizzlies, no moose, not a wolf to be found.  We are back in the Hudson Highlands where we were greeted by pleasant dry weather conditions.  Trying to catch up on all that has not been tended to over the past two weeks leaves me little time to get out and about today.  Thank God my grandson Ty was around to take care of my yard for me and make sure that it did not look like the grasslands of Montana when I returned home. 

       I did manage to take a short walk over to the lily pond where I used to bring my Environmental Science classes back in the day.  For such a little parcel, it always amazes me as to what is going on in this microhabitat.  The season is just right for the blooming of the lilies and their brilliant white flowers contrasting against some of the deepest shades of green foliage you’ll find anywhere in nature looks surreal. 

       It’s when you get past the pretty picture that you really begin to appreciate what is happening here.  As I scanned the lilies, green frogs perched upon the pads sat perfectly still, waiting to seize a passing insect or to dive into the protection of the heavy cover should some predator happen by.

       Painted turtles were visable, but only when you really looked to find them.   The heads of adults peered just above the water line, tucked in amongst the cover of the leaves while young ones basked out in the open on the “sundeck” provided by the pads.  Dragonflies and darners flitted about in a prelude to their full assault later this summer.


       No, it is not Big Sky country, but it certainly has an allure of its own, and I would never leave this place called home for other than visits to other far off lands.  Coming home is often what makes traveling so enjoyable.

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